Thursday, July 9, 2009

NEW Webcast! A Possible Cure for EDD (Employee Discontent Disorder)
4 Real Women Talk

In a webcast moderated by Norka Blackman-Richards, President and Founder of 4 Real Women International, Michelle Somers and Brenda Jones will discuss finding personal passion and purpose as a possible cure for EDD (Employee Discontent Disorder). EDD is an epidemic that is troubling many Americans in the workplace today, in particular women. Are you experiencing boredom? Feeling listless? Tired of the same routines? Lost your passion for work? You just might be suffering from EDD.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Chris Gardner is My Hero

I've read lots of self help books and I think the best direction I've ever gotten came from Chris Gardner. In his book Start Where You Are he says "It's up to me and to you to empower ourselves enough to find whatever it is within our current situation that we control, no matter how small it may be -- and start there." It doesn't get any simpler -- Love that!
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