Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sometimes the lessons we teach are meant for us to learn

My three kids are wonderful. No, really… they are and I love them but sometimes they’re just dense. They’re pretty good in school, don’t get into trouble, nice kids – but they don’t listen. I find that I repeat myself about certain things – over and over and over again and they just ignore me. Some of these are small lessons, true, but some are pretty important to learn now so that they’ll know what to do when they’re all grown up and on their own. This morning I heard myself for the hundredth time. I said, “Why aren’t you getting this? Don’t you know that this little thing can save you from drama and frustration? Once you get this, we can move on!!”

That was it. That’s when I realized that the lesson was mine to learn. In my life there are patterns and repeat mistakes where I fall into the same trap, or face the same issue over and over, like déjà vu all over again. This morning I realized that those moments are the lessons I was meant to learn, and that this morning God was hitting his head against the wall with frustration because I wasn’t getting it. I got it now, like a big “duh”!

I say to my kids all the time, that when I say it the first time, it’s in my normal voice. Over time as I repeat myself, I get louder and louder, because I assume that if you didn’t respond, or do what I asked that you didn’t hear me… So I’m going to find other ways to get through to you. God follows the same logic. He starts with a whisper to your soul, and he gets louder and louder, using other ways to get through to you until one day he practically hits you in the head: Hellooo!! You’re just not getting it and we can’t move on until you do!

Oprah has said it, I’ve felt it in my spirit, and no doubt you have, too. Life teaches you lessons every day. Just get it and move on.
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