Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Back to School!!

So, you want to go back to school but visions of Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School keep scaring you away. Don’t let that stop you! You’re never too old to learn and if you’re looking to make the next step in your career or change direction altogether, going back to school may be your best first step. Besides, going back to school as an adult comes with surprising advantages that will make the experience cooler than you’d imagine.

Take me, for instance. I was officially forty-something when I decided to go back to school. After I submitted my application to State University of New York’s Empire State College, a wave of what-have-I-done panic came over me. I had already determined that I would major in writing… you know, follow the road not taken so no surprise there. But what completely knocked me off my feet was the idea that going back to college as an adult has the distinct advantage of 20-20 hindsight vision.

Think about it…. For many 18 year olds heading off to college, it’s a continuation of high school, with no real world context and no real world wisdom…. How many times have you said, “If I knew then what I know now…” Well, put that wisdom to its best use and go back to school. What better perspective than that of someone who has real world experience, managing a career, or raising a family, or managing a household. Adult learners already know which classes the real world will find the most valuable.

An even better realization came to me as started putting my degree plan together. I have a second chance to go back to the fork in the road and travel the road not taken, knowing that I can handle whatever that road brings. My younger self may not have been so appreciative of this opportunity, but my 40+ year old self is not willing to waste any more time. I’m jumping in knowing it’s a privilege to have the option and it’s a blessing to be able to act on it.

Remember – Flexibility is key. Whether you’re going for undergrad, graduate studies, a certificate or just continuing education, there are tons of possibilities out there!

Where to go?
How about Cybercollege? I have a husband, kids, a career, and zero extra time for sitting in a classroom. What I found out is that the internet and smart phones make the brick and mortar classroom an option, instead of a necessity. Lots of schools offer connection points over the web through discussion boards and campus based intranet settings. It can take a little getting used to as some colleges will require frequent postings and online interaction to simulate classroom discussions, but there’s nothing like going to class in your pajamas. Online colleges like University of Phoenix – http://www.phoenix.edu and Kaplan University – http://www.kaplan.edu come to mind.

Colleges for Adults If you’re beyond the “keg party” days and looking for an environment and structure suited for adults you’re in luck! There are many adult college programs out there with the flexibility to work around your day job, your family and your lifestyle.

To begin your search you can visit www.Collegeboard.com, or check out these great colleges:

How to pay for it?
There may not be an easy answer to the money question in today’s economy but don’t give up. With a little ingenuity you discover an affordable solution. Consider your home's equity or your company’s tuition reimbursement program for starters. You may be able to write off some or part of your tuition costs on your tax return. See your tax consultant, or visit the IRS for details: http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=96273,00.html

Scholarships may also be a possibility. Here are two programs that I know of, though both are targeted to women (sorry guys) and are based on age and financial need:
AARP http://www.aarpfoundationwlc.org/content/view/26/1/
Talbots http://www1.talbots.com/online/landing/landingPage.jsp?landingPage=scholarship&_requestid=1722418

For more inclusive grant and scholarship options, visit www.FastWeb.com to start your search.

Find your school and the money will come. :-)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tell the voice in your head to shut up

It never fails… Whenever you set your sights on a new opportunity, goal or challenge, there’s a voice in your head happily telling you that you can’t make it. Don’t listen to it.

Those dark moments of self doubt are dream killers of the worst kind. Its the fear in your heart that finds its voice and steers you away from your goals, telling you that whatever you're striving for is unachievable... you can't do it... Are you kidding? Do you know how many have tried it? What were you thinking?

It’s going to take inner strength, strong conviction and your own “self talk” to get you through. Recite positive affirmations, memorize some bible verses, download “Don’t worry be happy” onto your Ipod… Do whatever it takes to fill your head with positive energy, whatever it is that lifts your spirits and keeps you motivated to achieve your dreams. Start talking to yourself and tell the disagreeable bubble-bursting, dream-killing voice in your head to shut up.
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