Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tell the voice in your head to shut up

It never fails… Whenever you set your sights on a new opportunity, goal or challenge, there’s a voice in your head happily telling you that you can’t make it. Don’t listen to it.

Those dark moments of self doubt are dream killers of the worst kind. Its the fear in your heart that finds its voice and steers you away from your goals, telling you that whatever you're striving for is unachievable... you can't do it... Are you kidding? Do you know how many have tried it? What were you thinking?

It’s going to take inner strength, strong conviction and your own “self talk” to get you through. Recite positive affirmations, memorize some bible verses, download “Don’t worry be happy” onto your Ipod… Do whatever it takes to fill your head with positive energy, whatever it is that lifts your spirits and keeps you motivated to achieve your dreams. Start talking to yourself and tell the disagreeable bubble-bursting, dream-killing voice in your head to shut up.

1 comment:

  1. I was shown a spreadsheet I was told I would need to replicate for my personal project. It felt like such a daunting task and I wanted to immediately give up. I shut that voice up very quickly and I will keep on, keepin' on. I will not give up!

    Thanks for this!


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