Friday, October 30, 2009

I am the Cow

Remember the movie “Twister” about the storm chasers? I love the part when they were on the bridge with the storm swirling around them and the cow kept flying by. Well, these days I can identify with the cow.

Most of the time I feel as though I’m in the middle of a twister, with things swirling around me and moving so fast that nothing makes sense. So I wait for the calm in the middle of the storm where there is light and clarity. Like near the end of the movie when they look up into the eye of the storm and the sky is blue and clear. The problem is that those calm, clear moments don’t happen often enough.

Life happens, time marches on and while we have to keep it moving, there is much to be said for taking control – if only for a moment – to find one’s own clarity. Taking time the time to think, to "chill and just be" is a necessity. I’ve read many books about finding happiness in life – anyone who really knows me has witnessed my self-help library :-). The good ones all start with the same founding principle: in the quiet you will find your direction. Some call it meditation, some call it prayer, some even call it retail therapy, but in truth and in fact, it’s how we can create the calm in our storms of our lives, and recharge our batteries to go on. It’s a necessity.

Do yourself a favor, get out your calendar – paper or blackberry – and schedule 10 minutes of “me time”.


  1. Thank you for this! I have been needing some "me time" for awhile, and said to myself that I "must" do this soon; and now I am going to just that! I am going to have some "me time" everyday.

  2. A very good reminder - and I love that you consider it a necessity! Thanks again for an insightful blog!

  3. Good job My little sister has grown up


  4. I agree 100%. More important than ever as life just seems to spin faster and faster the more the years pass. Great reminder of it's importance.

    The Big B.


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