Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy

Some people just like pushing buttons. Remember those toys you played with as a baby? You press this button and Mickey Mouse pops up, press that one and Donald Duck pops up. Eventually the child learns how to get Mickey or Donald to pop up whenever they want. Now fast forward a few years… Let’s say you’re at work… Someone has been reading you and studying how to get the response they want from you. If they want you to be happy, press this button… and if they want you to jump off the ledge, its that one. Those are the button pushers that get a sadistic thrill from seeing you out there on the ledge. Remember near the end of “The Devil Wears Prada”? All she had to say was “Do I smell freesias?” and the poor girl started stammering.

These are the people who want to tick you off, instill fear and hopelessness in your heart. Recent news stories will help you identify that kind of behavior as bullying -- which is unacceptable in any setting. It robs you of your happiness and can turn even the most confident person into a stammering fool.

Stop stammering. It doesn’t make sense to put up with negative behavior in your life. Just because some knucklehead didn’t get enough love in their childhood, or feels inadequate or insecure in themselves, it doesn’t give them the entre’ to spread the drama. We all know that’s where the negativity comes from – misery loves company and those miserable folks love to spread it around.

Well, guess what? It’s spring. It’s time for renewal of the earth and of the spirit. Let’s start by shaking off the negative energy and flipping the script. So if someone is pushing your buttons switch it up and change your response. Stand up – in your own way of course (and preferably a way that won’t get you jailed or fired) and represent.

Take back your power, and take back your joy.


  1. So love this! The best way to get back at those "life-sucking" leeches is to IGNORE THEM!!! And if that doesn't work...put them in their place. Don't waste any brain cells on them...they don't deserve that much power. In the end...they always get what's coming to them anyway. Excellent post Michelle!

  2. NICE!!! I needed that this morning.

  3. This post is so on target and a good reminder not to even to bother playing in the sandbox with these crazy people. They have issues, which unfortunately become your issue, if you don't recognize it early enough. Having dealt with my share of crazies at work (multiple people come to mind...!), I can now say that it taught me what I will no longer put up with. The best way to deal with these folks is to just not deal with them. Thanks Michelle!

  4. It's not just in the workplace. Sometimes your "friends" and social acquaintances are out for blood -- yours. Ignoring them may help for a while, but the best revenge is a good putdown. If you can come up with one, you're way ahead of the game.

    Glad you posted this, Michelle! You're one of the good guys.

  5. Nice one Michelle!

    "If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?"

    -- Rob Bremer


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