Saturday, May 21, 2011

What about tomorrow?

There was an acute awareness of time passing by today.  As we went about our lives, doing the things we do on Saturdays -- at the mall, the beauty salon, and the barbershop, whether we admit it or not, there was a palpable question lingering in the air.  As time ticked by you may have wondered to yourself what the future held for you -- today.

We all know we've got to go sometime, but no one knows when.  Yet, the idea propagated by one man that the end was near may have instilled a permanent question mark over your head, like the quizzical bubble over your favorite comic book character's head.  What if?

I was reminded of the days after September 11th.  In those dark days in New York especially, everyone was just a bit kinder, more compassionate.  The reality of just how close many of us came to the end of our days was enough to change our views, our directions and our philosophies.  Faced with the tragic reality of the day, all of us recognized the value of our lives, of each day, of our loved ones, and of our faith that given this miraculous second chance that we'd live the rest of our lives to the fullest.

Today may have held a similar value for you.  While we may have dismissed the idea that the end was near with a certain sardonic skepticism, we may also have wondered, deep down in our hearts whether tomorrow would come.  We laughed about what would happen or not happen at 6PM, but you may have noticed as I did that the laughter seemed just a bit forced.  Did you wonder as I did, where you would be, or where you should be?  Did you change your activities at all?  Did you silently glance at the clock more often that you normally would on a sunny, Saturday afternoon?

I don't know about you, but I took today as a blessing.  A sweet reminder that you can only live your life one moment at a time, one day at a time. September 11 was a wake up call - an event that we lived through to remind us of the sweetness of tomorrow.   So make your tomorrow count.  :-)


  1. Hey Michelle, I truly enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Randy

  2. Michelle, you've put into perspective and into words what many of us were thinking, even while kidding around about what would happen at 6 p.m. So, here we are, on "the day after," still wondering what life will bring and how we can make the most of it. I say, Go for it!

  3. Such a perspective we all can identify with. I'm sure it made you think, 'Maybe I should have written more posts!' Well, get on it!!!



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